Hangman Game

HangmanHello, friends!

I want to represent you my first project. The project is about one of the most popular game and this game is Hangman. Let me tell you something about the game.

The Hangman is a classic paper and a pencil game for two or more players. One player thinks of the word or the phrase and the other tries to guess it suggesting letters or entire word. The idea of the gallows may be is little morbid, but it adds the excitement of the game. Everyone wants to save the poor person from a grim fate! What about you? Do you want to save the poor man?

Hangman Game App overview

The game has easy for use and pretty cool user interface. When you start a new game you can choose to play alone (against computer) or to play with friend. Playing alone against computer you can set your player name and choose between eleven categories of words. If you do not want to set your player name the game automatically set player name. Also you can play with your friend who is next to you. If you select to play with friend you have to set first player and second player name. First player chooses the category and the word and second player tries to guess the word by suggest letters or entire word. If you don’t fill all text fields you will see a message for error. So… fill all text fields.

After all settings it’s time to play. When you start the game you will see the panel where the hangman will be painted when you submit wrong word or wrong letter and panel where the word will be displayed. Also you will see a keyboard, a player name (or players names if you play with friend), a category of the word and an information about the word length and all missed letters which are submitted by you.

The game can be found and download HERE

P.S. If you want to play this game you have to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

I hope you like what I have done. Bye, bye and have a nice day from me! 🙂

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